Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Evaluation 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We used almost basic fonts, just to keep it simple and clear. The paint tool was used in the top right and top left in order to make it seem more colourful and represent the artists personality, in a very fun and exciting way. We used various shots of every artist in the band and purely focused on their heads to illustrate who they are and how everyone has a key role and is central to the band and its success. We felt we had to market the digipak right, so making it bright and colourful would definitely draw attention to it.

Throughout the planning, designing and construction of our ancillary task, we made sure there was much focus mainly on the artists and their personalities. We did this for all six panels and as you can see in the bottom middle panel, it shows a  comedic value and funniness of the group and their wild personalities as Phillipe Miami Cortaz is seen in a male bathroom using a urinal.

All three of our products present young, happy, positive, good looking male artists who basically want to be different and change music and the world. They see music as generic and dull, and by adding love, passion and fun into music, makes it more pleasant and enjoyable.

The advert of the band gives clear information on where to buy the product, when it is out, ratings by big certified music co-operations and information on our music video, the smash hit single. This would attract people as 'King Of The Bongo' is a smash hit and people may see that this is the album which the song is on, and maybe there are other songs just as good on the album.

Our digipak clearly shows Phillipe Miami Cortez, so the fans can recognise straight away who he is and what material he has coming out now. With these different forms of media, there is a clear relation between them all. There is a clear relation between the advertisement and the music video as pictures on the advertisement have been taken from the video, so there is not differences whatsoever.

All in all, the products combined has created a well structured artist profile and clearly shows a strong representation of the band and their ambitions.